Here at the farm, we offer a vast array of fresh seasonal produce here at Grass Valley Dairy. We have 10 acres for our produce and herb garden. During the seasonal months we can offer up to 72 different types of produce and 68 different herbs. We do not use chemical fertilizers, GMOs, Herbicides, or Toxic pesticides. We sell a lot of our produce by the pound. Few other ways we sell it is by the bunch, pint or bag. We have Bushel and Peck boxes that change throughout the weeks that have whatever produce is in season at that time. We typically sell our herbs by the bunch or fresh plants in a planter. We also sell perennials in planters or pots. We sometimes sell them in metal pots or hanging baskets as well. We have lillies and irises to hens and chicks all the way to snow on the mountain ground covering.